Here are the systems that can run the game as of making this guide:Īnbernic RG351P (ArkOS final, TheRA, AmberELEC, JELOS)Īnbernic RG351M (ArkOS final, TheRA, AmberELEC, JELOS) The indie classic game Timespinner has recently been ported to various handheld devices, thanks to community developers and the awesome PortMaster tool. Continue reading “TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge on Retro Handhelds” → Big thanks to developer JohnnyOnFlame for getting this port up and running please consider buying him a coffee for his hard work. Setting up this game is similar to other ports such as Celeste, Shovel Knight, Undertale, Timespinner, and Iconoclasts. If you want the latest for those devices, I recommend using JELOS or AmberELEC, since they are in active development. However, wuMMLe’s fork of ArkOS has been updated to support it, but there are some script changes needed (see the notes below). Note that the “Final” version of ArkOS for the RG351P and RG351M will not support the game due to an outdated SDL2 library. PowKiddy RGB10 Max and Max 2 (The Retro Arena, RetroOZ)įor best results, make sure you are running the most recent version of ArkOS, AmberELEC, or JELOS, and that you have installed the latest version of PortMaster.

ODROID Go Super (The RetroArena, RetroOZ) PowKiddy RGB10 (ArkOS) and tangentially the RGB10S and RGB20S In this guide we’ll get the game running on various handhelds so you can play this game anywhere.Īnbernic RG351P (AmberELEC, JELOS, ArkOS wuMMLe fork)Īnbernic RG351M (AmberELEC, JELOS, ArkOS wuMMLe fork)Īnbernic RG351V (ArkOS, TheRA, AmberELEC, JELOS)Īnbernic RG351MP (ArkOS, TheRA, AmberELEC, JELOS) It’s a perfect mixture of old-school beat-em-up and modern control schemes, and it has plenty of fun stuff to unlock, too. Now that you've kicked enough shell to unlock Casey Jones, it's time to find all of the secrets, cameos, and collectibles hidden throughout TMNT: Shredder's Revenge.Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge has become a massive hit, and for good reason. For the most part, those comfortable with Leonardo or Donatello will find success with this character. It makes Casey a good choice for crowd control, though perhaps not decidedly so over other characters with similar AoEs. He's slightly faster than Donatello at 2 stars compared to Donatello's 1-star speed.Ĭasey has a reasonably large, stationary AoE super, which is on par with Leonardo's and a bit bigger than Donatello's and Michelangelo's. His rising and diving attacks are some of the best in the game, and they can move him around the screen quickly while hitting enemies far away. It can lead to some accidental hits if you're not careful. However, unlike Donatello, another 3-star range character with great range throughout his basic combos, Casey's initial attack in a combo string is on the shorter side, both for a stationary attack and forward attack. You'll also need to beat the game with Casey to get the Complete Cast! trophy/achievement for seeing all of the character endings in story mode.Ĭasey Jones has some of the longest reach in TMNT: Shredder's Revenge and one of the better rising attacks compared to other characters like Raphael. You can also use him to get another trophy/achievement, Finally Getting Along!, for cheering up a teammate playing as Raphael, which is sure to make any TMNT fan smile. You'll also get the Beware Lawbreakers trophy/achievement for doing so. Once you roll credits after Episode 16, you'll add him to the roster for future playthroughs in single-player or multiplayer, story and arcade. Difficulty doesn't matter, and there are no secret criteria to follow. So how do you unlock Casey Jones? You unlock Casey Jones by simply beating the story mode with any of the six other characters.