If you are planning to make your boot disk part of a RAID, proceed To install your operating system (see Chapter 4, Installing Windows Vista Ultimate, Chapter 5, Installing Windows Server 2008, or Chapter 6, Installing Windows XP.

If you are not planning to make your boot disk part of RAID, proceed Press F10 to save your changes, exit the BIOS Utility, and reboot In the SATA Options menu, select one of the following:ĪHCI for a system using SATA disks (non-RAID). In the IDE Configuration menu, select Configure SATA In the BIOS Utility dialog, select Advanced -> IDE Configuration. Press the F2 key at the Sun logo screen to enter the BIOS Setup

To Set the System BIOS and Configure Your Disks for For systems with SATA disks, performing this task is required for

You must configure the SATA disks for AHCI or Intel RAID before installing When using the workstation's Intel AHCI integrated disk controller, Setting the System BIOS and Configuring Disks for